
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2 Page

My goal is stay update with this project and so far I'm doing good with it. 

New things I learned from a class I went to on Saturday!!

Yesterday I went to Lacy, WA with my friend Cindy to this cool class on how to alter items.  It was such a fun day!!!  I learned so many new things.  I'm all ready to start creating new things!!

This is one of the first things he had us do in class.  We made this on the back of an old Domino! 

These are metal tags that we add 3 different colors of inks to create the colors.  I made my mine with olive green, purple and brown!!  The teacher liked the way the colors turned out and said if he had a Gold Star that I would have gotten it!!
After they were all dry we got to stamp one of them and on the other I embossed a cute little spider.

In this picture these are both metal tags on the one I add an image to it just like on the domino and ink the spots to fill in with green ink.  The other tag I inked with blue and red and embossed the word HOME on it. Then I thought it still needed something so I went around the edges and over the word with silver ink.  I plan on using this tag in Jason's Navy scrapbook on his page when he came home for Mission 3!  It was such a happy day to have him home!!!

On this piece of metal I decide after I stamp on it that I would emboss it and cause it still need something.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hope in Action 365 Project Week #1

This is such a fun project to do!!  I'm taking a picture a day and making an album with just these pictures.  I'm so excited to see in a year from now to see all we did in 2012!
Here is my week #1 page! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Valentine's Day Banner

I created these banners for the swap I'm  doing this month.  It's a mixed media swap and the theme is Love or Valentine's Day!