
Friday, February 17, 2012

Hiding in My Craft Room Design Team!

I'm very happy to post my exciting news!!  I was chosen to be on the Hiding in My Craft Room Design Team!!  This is my first Design Team to be on.  I'm excited to work all these talent ladies! 
Here is the link to Laurie's blog with the whole team!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Purple Hydrangea Flower

I thought the little ones were so cute that I would make a bigger one. In my favortie color!!

This one is on a 6" ball and the small ones are 2.5.

Valentine's Day Gifts for the kid's teachers gifts

I couldn't decide what I was going to do for the kids to give their teacher this year.  Then I was thinking about what to do and my friend had just made this cool hydrangea flower balls so I thought how cool would it be to make them small and add stick to them and cute little tin.  The idea was to make them Pink but my son does not like pink so he wanted his teachers to have blue flowers.  The teacher loved them!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Decorated Folders

After spending all day Wed. working on getting our tax paper work all together and realizing how unorganized I had been last year.  I decide to get these 13 pocket folders at Target a few weeks ago.  They only had 1 design and I need 3 so I got them and  instead of using a shapie or the label maker I used my lime green vinyl to decorate them. 

My swap item for this month

It's time again for my swap post.!  This month theme was Easter or Spring.  I had made these little Easter baskets before and just love how they turned out.  So I decided to ask what everyone favorite spring color and make them each a basket.  I decorated them different this year and put flocking on the little chicks wing.  And I used my awesome light box my great husband made for me! 

My Baby!

Hunter lost 2 teeth this week.  One on the way home from swim lessons on Monday and then he came home with a tooth in envelope.  My little baby boy is growing up!

My newest creations for my Star Wars fans I live with.

While shopping on Monday we found these coasters.  I got my vinyl out and starting cutting.  I just love how they turned out.

Layout for Hunter's album

This is a simple page I made for Hunter's album with the CM Page Planner and Book! 

Dry Erase Board

I have made a few Photo Panels using Storybook Creator but had not tired making one to use as a dry erase board till a few weeks ago.  I love it!!  I just got it on Thursday!  It is the best and my favortie color Purple!!  Now while I'm at my laptop I can see my To Do List! 

Super Bowl Layout

While Jason and the kids were watching the Super Bowl I decide to make a layout with some football paper I had. 

New Layouts I made up last week

Last week while working on my albums for the kids I decided to make up some premade pages to put on my Etsy shop.  The first two layouts I used my new Creative Memories This and That Cartridge to make them along with the Page Planner from Creative Memories.  They made laying out a page so easy!!  The last 2 layouts I just used the Page Planners and some fun summer papers!