
About Me

I live in Silverdale Washington. I've been married to my husband Jason for 12 years and we have 2 great kids, Faith who is 9 and Hunter who is 7. I signed up, to be a Creative Memories Independent Consultant, in January. I have been using Creative Memories for just over seven years. I have always enjoyed making crafts, since I was a little girl, with my Grandma. After our son was born, I really got into scrapbooking. I always wanted to give my kids more than just an album full of forgotten memories and with scrapbooks, both traditional and digital, I can now give a memory that will last for generations to come. I love working on their books and seeing the excitement when they look at them. I also enjoy creating new projects and learning new and exciting ways to make scrapbooks for my family. Scrapbooking, allows for my family to be more than just an old photo with a lost history or a .jpeg on a computer that nobody ever sees.

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