
Monday, July 30, 2012

Working in my Craft Room today!

Wow I get alot done and today!  I got up and made my husband's lunch and then after he left I went straight to my craftroom.  I started out by reading a lesson on my school work, then I made my Design Team projects up for the next few weeks, took pictures of them, and started a layout.  I hope to finish it up tonight after the kids go to bed.  After the kids got up my daughter helped me organize all my scraps!!  It was as big mess.  Wish I would have took a before picture but I got a picture after Faith sorted the color out for me.  I was able to punch alot of tags out with my Creative Memories tag punch.  Now I have a variety of colors all ready to go when I need a tag  I put all my printed paper scraps in a tote and I hope to start cutting them for making cards soon. 

All of the sorted for Mommy to file in my folder by colors!
It's all nice and neat now!! 

Have a great day!!

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