
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Cricut Cartridges and My Gyspy

Today is the first day this week I have crafted.  I don't remember if I mention on my blog or not but a few weeks ago my Gypsy broke.  I have had it since they first came out so of coarse it's out of warranty.  But I contact Provo to see if there was anything that could be done to fix it.  The spot where you plug it up to your Cricut fell inside the gypsy.  Provo said no it wasn't fixable but I could buy a new Gypsy and send the old one to them and they would but the serial number on the new one.  But after go back and forth I have decide against getting another Gypsy when Craftroom is free to use.  So not thinking about it this weekend I went to link some of my cartridges to Craftroom and couldn't because they are all link to my broke Gyspy!!!  I was so furstrated cause I didn't think it would work but when I was on the phone with Provo but the guy said it would.   

So now I'm really mad at this point cause I have 118 cartridges, 1 broken Gypsy and 2 Cricuts  and the best they coud do was give me some credit to my accout. I look at this picture seeing how much money I have given to Provo!!

I called Provo again on Monday!  The first lady I talk with lets me know there is nothng she can do to help me get my cartridges unlinked from my Gypsy unless I buy a new one and send them both in together.  But resured me that it's in the works to fix this problem.  I tell her that really doesn't do me any good when I try to use my Cricut with Craftroom and I have problems cutting if the file has more than one cartridges in it.  So at this point I told her that I wanted to talk with a manager.  I finally after 3 calls talked with a manger and she is helping me with the issue!!  I'm not getting a new Gypsy but should have all my cartridges connected to Craftroom soon!  So far I have one cartridge link to it now only becuase the Gypsy didn't have the CM Be Young one on it yet.  It's only been out sine May!

So today Faith and my DT Sister AJ  decided to lay all my carts out and count them for me.  I told them have fun cause I was too frustate to count them.  Since I spent all afternoon and a few hours in the evening on Monday finishing register them on  So lesson learned from this register them when you get a new cartridge!!!  I used to be good at doing it but lately I wasn't so I had to go through all 118 and do the ones that were not!! 


  1. So sorry to hear about your problems. Here is an idea though. Why not see if there is some computer person who works on pc's and see if he/ she wasn't up to the challenge to see if they can fix your gypsy. Its warrenty has expired. What do you have to lose. Good luck. Hugs, Velma

    1. After I got off the phone with Provo I called my friend who husband is the computer man! I drop if off that afternoon and he opened it up to take a look. It's not fixable due to the way little plug is fixed inside it :( So that is the main reason I decide not to go with another gypsy. He said it is not put together very well.
      Thanks for the idea!

  2. So sorry that my idea didn't get you your gypsy back in working order. It was a shot in the dark. At least you tried. Hugs, Velma

    1. It's ok no worries thanks for the idea! I did get all my cartridge linked to Craftroom today. I'm so glad to at least have them working with Craftroom.

  3. I had so much fun. Cant wait to join you all again. AJ~
