
Monday, March 25, 2013

Go Play in the Puddles!

Hello Everyone! 
I'm so sorry that for the last month I haven't been around making very many post.  The end of February and March have been a very tough month for me.  My Grandma became very sick right after the first of the year.  All through January and February she had her good day and bad days but she got so tired and her lungs were just too tired.  We lost her a month ago today.  It was so tough for me being so far away and I was so close to her growing up.  She taught me so much and she always had the answer for every question you had.  I made the decision to be here in Washington with my kids instead of going back to Illinois because they had an awards program at school and they took the news pretty hard too.  I knew this was what my Grandma would have wanted me to do and there was just something else telling me you need to be here.  It was a tough week for me but on the day of her funeral I realized the reason I was need here with my family.  After school was over I took my son to swim team practice and we came home to realize our youngest cat became sick.  We took him to the ER Vet and had to have him put down the same night.  It was the toughest thing ever cause he was just more than a cat.  He did everything with us all from playing Legos with the kids, to letting them read to him, and he always sat on my lap while I crafted.
You will be missed so much Grandma and Chewie!!

After a very sad week around our house we needed something happy and cheerful.  The kids have been wanting a puppy for the longest time.  So we talked about it over and over and then the search began for a puppy.  We got a little 2 month old Yorkie-Poo who has brought so much happiness to our house the last few weeks.   Her name is Aurra Sing and she is 2 1/2 lbs!  She is so full of energy and makes you laugh so hard.  Here are a few pictures of my little cutie!  There will be more to come of  Aurra these are just a few of her.
I hope you enjoy seeing our new little family member! 

Now for my first card that I created after my little scrapbooking buddy Chewie left me.  This was the hardest card to make cause I cried the whole time I made it.

Sorry for the super long post and for not being around much lately.  I promise that I will be posting more often now that I got my crafting back going!



  1. Wow, you have had it tough. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again! Such is life.

    On a brighter note, Aurra is SO STINKIN' CUTE! Puppies are just balls of energy ready to chew your shoes-with your toes still in them! So glad your little cutie is bringing you so much joy.

  2. I so hear your pain...went through similar circumstances and also bought a new Yorkie puppy which has brought us a whole new life to look forward to. Keep strong and go play in the puddles with her...she's adorable!
    p.s. you'll have to wash her after she gets yucky in the puddles!
