
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Chrismtas Gifts

The last few weeks I have been very busy making and finishing up my Christmas gifts.  I have a few more to make but I wanted to share a few of the ones that I have finished up.  

The first one that I made was this super cute little calendars!  I used the all MCT Dies to create it!!  
The golf one is for my Daughter teacher.  I thought the bows and flowers was a little to much for her male teacher :)  He loves golf so I picked up some cute stickers at Micheal's the other day.

The next gift I made was for the office staff, library and the rest of my son's teacher he has for his extra classes.  I just love the Treat Slider box from MCT.  Plus who doesn't need a little chocolate at the end of the day.   This is just a few of them I made.  I think that I made over 20 or them.  I can fold them in my sleep now.

I reused my pineapple cans we had from Thanksgiving and put brownie pops in the cans.  I then took the new MCT border dies to the edges of my paper around the cans and made some cute little tags.

The last gift I have to show today is the cute little frame.  I did get a chance to put a picture in but it is just cute!!  I made this for our Cook at school and good friend for her husband.  He plays Santa at our school Breakfast with Santa each year.  
I hope you enjoyed all my gifts!
In case that I don't get any post made again before Christmas I hope you all have a great one and a Happy New Year!!


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