
Saturday, January 4, 2014

My New Facebook Page

This is my last post for the night but I had 2 things that I wanted to share with you before I headed off to bed.  The first is that I have created a Facebook Page to for my Blog.  Be sure to head over and like it at like my page.

The next item I wanted to share is gift that I made for the kids to give to Grandma and PawPaw on their trip out to visit  us over Thanksgiving.  I wanted to do something to include all of the Grandkids and since we are so far away a group picture was out of the question.  So I got everyone to send me pictures of all the the kids and I sized them to fit into
My Creative Time Just Simply Live Stamp Set Die. 
I used the MCT Rosette Die, Flower Petal Die, lower case lowercase fun dies, and Stitched button dies also on the sign.  I was so happy that I finally found a crackle paint to look the way I wanted it too.  I have tried 2 other ones so the 3rd time was a charm :)
 I love love this project and so happy that I made it!! 
DLART Thankful Thursday 


  1. Angela I love this. Congrats on the new page. =)

  2. What a great idea for your new facebook page.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes January Linky Party. Have a great day and a Happy New Year
    DIANA L.
