
Monday, June 23, 2014

A Creative Blog Tour

Good Morning!

I'm very excited to let you know that I have been ask by An'Jenic at AJ Scrapbooking & Cards invited me to be a part of a blog hop tour.  Along the tour it will show work from different crafter from around the world. 

Next I have a few questions I was ask to answer for the tour.

1. What am I working on? 

I'm currently working on my daughter and son's scrapbooks.  It's the time of the year for me to start their new albums.  Last month my daughter turned 11 and son just turned 9.  Since my son  turned one this has been my tradition.  I'm in the process of sorting pictures to print out from the last month.   I have decide to change it up a little bit this year and do Project for Life this year.  Be sure to check back soon to see some of my new layouts to come :)

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? 

When I'm working on cards I would say mine differs cause I almost always distress the edges of the cards with ink.  There is just something about distressing that I just love.  Then when it comes to scrapbooking I'm not much for just one pictures on a layout.  I love lots of pictures and lately I have got away from using too much embellishments but still need some.  
Here are a few of the cards I have made lately that I haven't got posted yet.

I wish that I had some new layouts to post but I promise those are to come over the next few weeks. 

These cards are ones I gave to the kids teachers and staff for end of the year.  

3. Why do I write/create what I do? 

The first time I was introduced to scrapbooking was right after we got married so almost 15 years ago.  A friend that I worked with scrapbook and she talked about it all the time. Jason was at sea so on the weekends I would go over to her house and work on my new album.  It was alot of fun cause her Mom and daughter would  be there too working on their albums.  I got a little done in my first album but I was not that great well in my eyes.  I didn't really stick to it cause I thought well we don't have kids so I really don't have anything to scrapbook.  Well was I wrong!  I have a box for of pictures that I wish that I had stuck with it.  So I made cards in between from that time till I really became addict to it scrapbooking.  My addiction started after my son was born.  I started a family album and got small albums and made a page for each month in those albums.  These small albums were Christmas gifts for our family in IL.  Soon after that I got  albums for the kids and went crazy from there.  A couple of years later I got my Cricut and then I started getting in to alter items.  

 4. How does your writing/creating process work?

I scrapbook when I have spare time which lately doesn't happen with our busy schedule.  I hoping that since we are on summer break I will get a chance to do some layouts.  As for cards and gifts I make them when someone special has a birthday or holiday coming up.  I love making gifts for my family and friends.  It is so nice to see the happiness on their face when they open up their gifts.  

Now that you have learned a little about me and how I like to craft it's time to go on the blog tour.  

Jessica from Craftin and Stampin

My name is Jessica Wilson. I am a 35 year old wife to Brandon Sr and a mommy to Brandon Jr. Brandon Jr is 9 years old and the light of my life! He is so incredibly smart and so amazingly awesome (sorry, I'm a proud mommy)! He makes me laugh every day, and he is the reason I wake up in the morning! My hubby is my best friend and soul mate! If a am not crafting and working my full time job as an Assistant Bank Manager or selling and leading my team for Close To My Heart, then I am spending every other moment with them! I also enjoy being around my extended family, reading a good love story, going to the movies to laugh hard, and now playing tennis with my hubby and brother in law!

On July 1st  be sure to check out Jessica's blog to see who she has lined up for you!

Have a great day!!


1 comment:

  1. Great projects! I bet the kids teachers loved the cards!
