
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Craft Room

Hello Everyone!  
I almost have my craft room together.  It's not all done cause I still have some things I want to hang on the wall and some touch up painting.  I wanted to share what it looks like right now which I really like so far.  I will take so better ones once I get things on the way and do some more picking up.  I have been make decorations for the kids school and Halloween treats this week.

 Next on my list is to get another one of these wooden shelf to hold the rest of my plastic containers.   Right now it so much more organized and easier to find my things.  I love how Ikea had the same color of purple bins as my wall.  How perfect is that!!

My desk/table!!
I'm still working on how I want to put my things on my desk.  But I have so much more room!  

Ok more pictures to come later!



  1. What I wouldn't do to have a room like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite color to boot!!!! (oh and it really matches your blog colors, lol) You did such an amazing job and you must feel awesome about it... my dream is to have a big craft worked hard and deserve it so much! Have a fantastic day my friend, hugs

    1. Thanks!! I'm so happy to have it almost done! It feels great and so nice to know where my things are. We really need this room to be more organized cause the whole family use this room. So now everyone has space and it's nice. I hope to make a video of it when we get the rest of the things done!
      Hope you have a good day too!
