
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Disney Blog Hop for Rett Syndrome Awareness

Click here for the HIMCR for the weekly challenge.

 Welcome to the First Annual Blog Hop for...

Rett Syndrome Awareness

Your first stop should have been at Robin Lane's Blog, if you did not start there please go back to the beginning...

What is Rett Syndrome? Rett Syndrome is a devastating neurologic developmental disorder that occurs almost exclusively in girls. It is usually caused by a mutation of the MECP2 gene on the X chromosome. Rett Syndrome is found in all racial and ethnic groups throughout the world, and in every socioeconomic class. Rett Syndrome affects 1 in 15,000 female births. 

Early developmental milestones appear normal, but between 6-18 months of age, there is a delay or regression in development, particularly affecting speech, hand skills and coordination. A hallmark of Rett Syndrome is the repetitive hand movements that may include seizures, irregular breathing, swallowing difficulties, and curvature of the spine. Many individuals with Rett Syndrome live well into adulthood.
There is currently no cure.

 I had so many ideas for the blog hop but decide on making a layout for my friend son's scrapbook.  He was in Alice and Wonderland Musical while back.  She picked out the title and the characters she like for the layout.  I made them both at 4"  from The Disney Classic Cartridge. 

 Blog Candy!
We will have two lucky winners from this weekends blog hop.
You must be a follower of...
and Leave a comment on each of the blogs to be entered to win one of the prizes.

Prize One is a Disney Princess Scrapbook Kit, and a few Goodies from the International Rett Syndrome Foundation, a bracelet, a pen, and a car magnet.
Prize Two is a Disney Theme Park Scrapbook Kit, and a few Goodies from the International Rett Syndrome Foundation, a bracelet, a pen, and a car magnet.
Along with the prizes I will be making two $5 donations to the International Rett Syndrome Foundation in each of the winners names in honor of my Daughter.
  1. Robin L. - 
  2. Jenn Drowns Jackson - 
  3. Jamie Larsen - 
  4. Melissa Lipcsey -
  5. Melanie Rozwood -
  6. Ginger K. Morriello -
  7. An'Jenic Gibson -
  8. Angela Tondini Chamness -
  9. Julie McElhinney -
  10. Jennie Dewar -
  11. Angie Makein-Ashuk - 
  12. Anita Thibodeau -
  13. Blog Candy - 


  1. These pages are great. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cute layout and Like the little tag. Your friend will be happy. AJ-

  3. Such a fun layout. Love your characters and the title is just right.

  4. Super adorable! i love your layout, and am sure your friend and her son will too. Thanks for sharing, and being a part of this blog hop. i am your newest follower!

  5. Love you layout. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. what a cute layout!!! just signed up as your newest follower!! Loved being in this hop with you!


  7. this is such a great 2 page layout love the colors and the cuts! tfs

  8. Very cute layouts, I love them. Thank you for sharing and for hopping with us today.

    Robin Lane

  9. Super cute disney layout, I love disney I even have a Mickey tattoo on my shoulder. TFS!

  10. Hi Angela! Just dropping in to see what you are up to! I have been quite busy building my online store which is finally up so I can visit my friends more!!! I love your layout!!!! It is super sweet .. I cannot participate in the hop (boo hoo) but the cause is certainly close to my heart.. so nice to connect with you again my friend.. I have yet to see your room! Hugs

  11. Hi Angela!

    What a cute layout!! I love the characters!

    Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet birthday wishes! Our birthdays were fun this month!!
