
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Storybook pages for our trip to IL last December

Click here for HIMCR #78 Freestyle Challenge

I'm just so proud of my album that I made for the kids I wanted to share the rest of it.  I know the last 2 weeks I have gave sneak peaks of it as my challenge for HIMCR,  So here is the rest of the album.  I hope you enjoy it!! 

You can click here to see the cover and 1st page from last week.  Click here  this will take you to this my favorite layout in the book.

HIMCR #78 Freestyle

Hello Everyone!  
Hope you all had a nice Christmas!  We just stayed home this year for Christmas and 2 nice quiet days!  I started feeling better last week and then Sunday night and Monday it all starting coming back and my little man was sick too.  So we haven't really did much this week except for staying home, rested, and finished my Storybook that I shared the cover with you last week!  I order it yesterday morning before the kids got up.  I'm so excited for the UPS man to deliver them!!  The kids have played with all their new Legos in between resting.  Hopefully this upcoming week will be able to get out enjoy our last week off before they head back to school.   

I have some exciting to news to share Tuesday on my blog so 
be sure to stop back over and check it out :)

This week challenge at HIMCR is Freestyle!  I had a few ideas that I wanted to do but decided on my favorite layout that I made in my Storybook this week!!  As I said last December the kids and I went to Illinois to visit.  We went to visit Grandma at work and my Aunt was in so she took the kids on a tour of her Police car and the department.  The kids had a blast!!  It's not everyday at 8 and 6 you get arrested and mugshots taken!!  When I was making the layout I remember see a Police kit back a few weeks ago when we did the Template Dreams as our sponsor.  On there website on of the designer Sanko Studio had this kit and I fell in love with it and knew it would be perfect for this layout!  I hope you enjoy it as much I do!!  If you would like to see the rest of the pages from the album click here.  If you would like to see the cover an the first page of the album click here.
If you are every interested in giving Digital Scrapbooking a try let me know I would love to share Storybook Creator with you!  It is so easy to use and I promise you will love it!!

Don't forgot to check out what the rest of the Design Team has to share this week with you!!

Then stop back at  HIMCR to enter the challenge!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

HIMCR #77 Mix It Up!

Good Morning!
It has been a different week around here.  We got a little bit of snow Tuesday morning it didn't really stay around much.  I worked all night on trying to get the teachers gifts all ready to take to school the next day.  Then early Wednesday it started coming down and school was canceled and I got sick.  The kids had school on Thursday and it was my last day of work till next year.  I felt a little better so I went to work and passed out presents to the kid's teachers and my co workers.  After I got off work came home and felt horrible again so I spent the rest of Thursday and all day Friday on the couch.  The kids last day of school was supposed to be Friday and well because of all of the melting snow had turned to ice over night kids started Christmas break a day early.  

Today is time to get busy and get my list done.  Oh is it so long after spending time rest the last few days.  Soccer game first thing and then the kids have a birthday party to go to. While they are at  the party I will start wrapping presents.  Then it will either be the house cleaning or grocery shopping.  Either one sound like much fun :(  

Now it's time for HIMCR challenge this week it's Mix it Up Anything but Christmas!!  For my project this week I did the cover of my Stoybook that I'm starting for the kids of our trip last December to Illinois to visit my Grandma.  I used Storybook Creator 4.0 to create my cover.  I love how you can write on the spine of the cover too.  The kids are so excited for me to get them done so we can wait for the UPS man to deliver them to us.  

Here is my cover for this week!
I'm using the Cheeful Digital Power Palette for my album.  I also add my first page for you to see!  Now I have to get busy and get it all done before the 30th since my Storybook credit
 expires on the 31st. 
Now it's time to check out what the rest of the Design Team projects and enter the challenge at HIMCR!

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shrooms and Blooms Blog Hop

Welcome to the Shrooms and Blooms Blog Hop!

If you arrived here from Heather's Blog, then you are on the right track! If you just stopped by and would like to start at the beginning, please go to Jenn's Blog.

 We are so happy to have you join us today! You won't want to miss out on any of these whimsical mushroom projects!

 One grand prize winner will win a the goodies pictured at your first stop (Jenn's Blog)! Please be a follower and leave a comment at all of the stops in the hop for the chance to win. There will also be other blog candy along the way! Make sure you return to Jenn's Blog and link up to be in the drawing for the goodies :)

I used the Freshly picked cartridge and embossing folder to make my card.  I also used the CM Border Maker System to make my little fence.

Now make sure to head over to Shelley's Blog Next.
  1. Jenn  <--- START HERE
  2. Heather
  3. Angela
  4. Shelley
  5. Tara
  6. Tammy
  7. An'Jenic
  8. Norma
  9. Kim
  10. Tess
  11.  Robin
  12.  Melissa
  13. Jennie
  14. Jenn <--- Link Up For CANDY :)

HIMCR #76 Go Digital

Good Morning!  I have been busy this week working on Christmas gifts and getting my Christmas cards ready to mail.  By now I usually have them out in the mail but it's been a very busy lately.  I also did a fun art project this week in my son's classroom.  I teach an art project once a month for his teacher.  This month we made salt dough ornaments.  I made the ornaments up ahead of time and they painted them.  It was alot of fun and the kids are excited for me to bring back snowmen on Monday.  

This week challenge at HIMCR is Go Digital and our
 sponsor is  Template Dreams.
They will be giving away a $5 gift certificate to their store.  
 I used Fall is in the Air and made a 2 page layout of our trip to Seattle last month when Grandma and PawPaw came to visit.  I used Creative Memories Click in Fill pages to create the layout and just added the digital paper and embellishments from the Fall is in the Air kit.  
 Now it's time to head over to  HIMCR and check out what the rest of the Design Team has for you and enter the challenge!
Have a good weekend!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

HIMCR #75 Super Scraps Saturday!

It has been a very crazy last few weeks for me.  I was able to get a couple of Christmas gifts and a few things for the kids stockings last night.  Faith has a soccer game this morning and then we coming home to finally decorate the tree and I'm going to scrapbook and make some Christmas gifts and some cards.  I would love to do a few pages in the kids albums.  It seems like I have been so busy doing everything else me that I haven't had time to work on their books.  

This week challenge at HIMCR is Super Scraps Saturday!  I made a simple cute little tag. 

 I used my CM Tag Maker and used the CM Zigzag Diamod Border Maker. The stamps I used on my tag are from CM Nordic Christmas Stamp Set.  

Now it's time to check out what the rest of the Design Team made and enter the challenge at HIMCR.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Merry Banner

Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to share my newest banner I made a few weeks ago with the  New Creative Memories Holiday Frames and Tag Cartridge and the New Zigzag Diamond Border Cartridge
and New Diamond Chain Border Marker Border Cartridge.   I'm so happy that I decide to wait and make my banner after my Holiday Frames and Tag Cartridge came in the mail!!

If you have any questions about my banner or the cartridges I used just let me know!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

HIMCR #74 Color Challenge

Good Morning! 
I haven't posted much the last few weeks we had company and then this week has been very crazy.  I hope to get some crafting done this afternoon unless we decide to finish decorating the Christmas tree.  I also want to try and make some ornaments this weekend with the kids for their small trees we got them last year.  

This week challenge at HIMCR is a color challenge and the colors are blue and white.  I decided to make a circle card that I found on the Silhouette shop and some blue paper I found when I was sorting my craft room last month.  My digi is from Fresh Brewed Designs and I used my CTMH markers to color her.

Be sure to head over to HIMCR and check out what the Design Team has made and enter the challenge!

Have a good weekend!!