
Saturday, December 22, 2012

HIMCR #77 Mix It Up!

Good Morning!
It has been a different week around here.  We got a little bit of snow Tuesday morning it didn't really stay around much.  I worked all night on trying to get the teachers gifts all ready to take to school the next day.  Then early Wednesday it started coming down and school was canceled and I got sick.  The kids had school on Thursday and it was my last day of work till next year.  I felt a little better so I went to work and passed out presents to the kid's teachers and my co workers.  After I got off work came home and felt horrible again so I spent the rest of Thursday and all day Friday on the couch.  The kids last day of school was supposed to be Friday and well because of all of the melting snow had turned to ice over night kids started Christmas break a day early.  

Today is time to get busy and get my list done.  Oh is it so long after spending time rest the last few days.  Soccer game first thing and then the kids have a birthday party to go to. While they are at  the party I will start wrapping presents.  Then it will either be the house cleaning or grocery shopping.  Either one sound like much fun :(  

Now it's time for HIMCR challenge this week it's Mix it Up Anything but Christmas!!  For my project this week I did the cover of my Stoybook that I'm starting for the kids of our trip last December to Illinois to visit my Grandma.  I used Storybook Creator 4.0 to create my cover.  I love how you can write on the spine of the cover too.  The kids are so excited for me to get them done so we can wait for the UPS man to deliver them to us.  

Here is my cover for this week!
I'm using the Cheeful Digital Power Palette for my album.  I also add my first page for you to see!  Now I have to get busy and get it all done before the 30th since my Storybook credit
 expires on the 31st. 
Now it's time to check out what the rest of the Design Team projects and enter the challenge at HIMCR!

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela, great layouts! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog for the Owl Be Home for Christmas Blog Hop & leaving me such a sweet comment, following along & liking my FB page. I've announced the winner of my blog candy today & I think you might wanna take a look ;D Just sayin.... Have a Great Day!!!
