
Saturday, December 29, 2012

HIMCR #78 Freestyle

Hello Everyone!  
Hope you all had a nice Christmas!  We just stayed home this year for Christmas and 2 nice quiet days!  I started feeling better last week and then Sunday night and Monday it all starting coming back and my little man was sick too.  So we haven't really did much this week except for staying home, rested, and finished my Storybook that I shared the cover with you last week!  I order it yesterday morning before the kids got up.  I'm so excited for the UPS man to deliver them!!  The kids have played with all their new Legos in between resting.  Hopefully this upcoming week will be able to get out enjoy our last week off before they head back to school.   

I have some exciting to news to share Tuesday on my blog so 
be sure to stop back over and check it out :)

This week challenge at HIMCR is Freestyle!  I had a few ideas that I wanted to do but decided on my favorite layout that I made in my Storybook this week!!  As I said last December the kids and I went to Illinois to visit.  We went to visit Grandma at work and my Aunt was in so she took the kids on a tour of her Police car and the department.  The kids had a blast!!  It's not everyday at 8 and 6 you get arrested and mugshots taken!!  When I was making the layout I remember see a Police kit back a few weeks ago when we did the Template Dreams as our sponsor.  On there website on of the designer Sanko Studio had this kit and I fell in love with it and knew it would be perfect for this layout!  I hope you enjoy it as much I do!!  If you would like to see the rest of the pages from the album click here.  If you would like to see the cover an the first page of the album click here.
If you are every interested in giving Digital Scrapbooking a try let me know I would love to share Storybook Creator with you!  It is so easy to use and I promise you will love it!!

Don't forgot to check out what the rest of the Design Team has to share this week with you!!

Then stop back at  HIMCR to enter the challenge!



  1. What wonderful layouts, they will make such a lovely book!! Cheers Jennie

  2. What a Lovely LO!!very Funny Photos!!TOO Cute!love it !TFS
    Thanks for joining us at PDE "Anything Goes"Challenge
    Have a wonderful day,
    PDE DT
