
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rosette Wreath

I'm very excited to show the project that I made tonight!  I have had this idea for awhile and wanted to do it for Christmas and well life just got to busy.  So tonight I decided that I was just going to do it.  Faith was watching YouTube on how to make things on her Fun Loom and Hunter and Daddy was watching movies.  
I used my Scalloped Stitched Rosette Dies from My Creative Time  to make all of my Rosettes and then I also used the Build a Banner and the Small and Medium Bow Dies from MCT too.  I just love how cute it turned out!!  Now I'm wishing that I would have had a Christmas one well maybe next year.  
Hope you enjoyed my Valentine's Day Wreath!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Chrismtas Gifts

The last few weeks I have been very busy making and finishing up my Christmas gifts.  I have a few more to make but I wanted to share a few of the ones that I have finished up.  

The first one that I made was this super cute little calendars!  I used the all MCT Dies to create it!!  
The golf one is for my Daughter teacher.  I thought the bows and flowers was a little to much for her male teacher :)  He loves golf so I picked up some cute stickers at Micheal's the other day.

The next gift I made was for the office staff, library and the rest of my son's teacher he has for his extra classes.  I just love the Treat Slider box from MCT.  Plus who doesn't need a little chocolate at the end of the day.   This is just a few of them I made.  I think that I made over 20 or them.  I can fold them in my sleep now.

I reused my pineapple cans we had from Thanksgiving and put brownie pops in the cans.  I then took the new MCT border dies to the edges of my paper around the cans and made some cute little tags.

The last gift I have to show today is the cute little frame.  I did get a chance to put a picture in but it is just cute!!  I made this for our Cook at school and good friend for her husband.  He plays Santa at our school Breakfast with Santa each year.  
I hope you enjoyed all my gifts!
In case that I don't get any post made again before Christmas I hope you all have a great one and a Happy New Year!!


Crafty Moms 12/22/13

Hello Everyone!
It's Angela this week with some inspiration for you all!!
It has been a very busy week around my house. I have finished up Christmas present and delivered them, did shopping and made cookies. All between taking care of a sick husband and running the kids to all of their activities! This Mommy is ready for Winter break!
My inspiration this week is very simple cause well I just ran out of time :)
I made a gift bag to put a few last minute presents in that I just finished up this morning.
I used this cute little mini stamp set Tis the Season Mini.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Have a great week and be sure to stop back by next week to see what AJ has to share!
The Crafty Moms

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Crafty Moms 12/08/13

Hello Everyone!
It's Angela this week with some inspiration for you all!!
I hope you all had a nice week! The weather has been so cold here and the other day it tried to snow. It was just little flakes floating around but nothing stuck just the sight made the kids are excited!! So for my inspirations this week I made some cute little gift tags and mini card with a snowman stamp!
I just love how they turned out!
I used the Calendar Stamp, Recipe Completer Mini Stamp Set, and Tis the Season Mini to make my tags and mini card. Hope you enjoy my creations this week. Now I'm off to start the Christmas I need to make!
I hope you enjoyed my creation for this week.
Have a great week and be sure to stop back by next week to see what AJ has to share!
The Crafty Moms

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Merry Christmas Banner made from Tags

After helping my friend make a Merry Christmas Banner the other day I decide to make myself a new one.  It went so fast and it was supper easy to make.  I used MCT Tag Dies for the pennants and I used Scallop Stitched Circle Die, Small and Fun Size Stitched Scalloped Bow Die, Stitched Fun Ticket Die, Warm Holiday Fun, and Holiday Tickets all from MCT to make my cute banner.  The paper was all from a set I got at Michaels the other day.
Here are a couple up close pictures.