
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Crafty Moms 2/2/14

Happy Groundhog's Day
Super Bowl Sunday!
It's Angela this week with some inspiration for you all!!
AJ and I are back with the Crafty Moms column. January was just a crazy month for the both of us so we took some time off with to spend with our families.
I'm excited to share with you my creations for this week. I made cupcakes for my hubby to take to work on Friday for Blue Friday! I thought it would be a cute for the guys to have football toppers for the cupcakes. I was excited to make them for him even though football is not my thing at all. While he is watching and screaming at the TV today I will be crafting away but hoping the Seahawks win cause if not I will have 2 unhappy guys at my house and lots of friends too.
Here are my Seahawk cupcakes!!
I used the MFP Tailgate Party Set to create my toppers. I just attached them to a toothpick with some craft glue. Very simple little project that the guys like for dessert on Friday.
Have a great week and be sure to stop back by next week to see what AJ has to share!
The Crafty Moms

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